Anyone out there have kids that just adore people? Like you, yourself, are ok with a little less human interaction, but your child is just the most social being? I have always considered myself an extrovert, but with age, have definitely become more ok with some alone time. Well, during this whole quarantine/stay-at-home thing, I have realized how much W loves people. We literally ride by the local ice cream shop so that we can let him shout “HEY!” out the windows. Delivering flowers is the perfect way to be social while social distancing, all while meeting your neighbors!
Since we got back from our family vacation, in which everyone quarantined for, we have just been spending some time at my parents house. We figure it is a perfect way to soak up some time together before some of us have tor return to the real world, which requires breaking quarantine. My parents are impressive gardeners (mom:flowers, dad:veggies), and have a lot of zinnias. If you aren’t lucky enough to have zinnias in your area, they are described on google as a “genus of plants of the sunflower tribe within the daisy family.” They are gorgeous. They come in many different colors, and love being cut!
One of W’s favorite things is to pick and give flowers. We decided this would be the perfect social-distancing activity. So we stole all of my parents’ flowers and took the wagon around to meet the neighbors.
Who doesn’t love having an adorable 3-year-old drop off flowers on their doorstep? This is an incredibly easy, and very satisfying, social distancing activity for all ages–kids or not!

Making the Flower Arrangements
First step: Cut any and all flowers! The more you cut, the more they grow back. Is it just me, or is cutting flowers simultaneously incredibly satisfying and devastating. They just look so dang pretty growing. We use Fiskars pruning shears.

Step 2: Now lay them out to see what you’ve got. I try to do a mixture of colors and sizes. I generally start with one big beautiful bloom, then fill in the rest of the space with other sizes.
Step 3: Have your helper rip off low leaves, allowing them to take sufficient breaks to catch (attempt to catch) ants using the clippers. No ants were harmed in the making of these arrangements.

You could use any jars. These were glass jars that my mom had been saving from the pantry. If you don’t have any old spaghetti jars, or anything similar, to reuse, then mason jars would obviously be perfect.
Meeting Your Neighbors
Next, pop them in the wagon, and take to the streets! We laid an arrangement on the steps, used a glove to press the doorbell, and backed up to well over 6 feet. W loved being the flower delivery boy, and I know the neighbors loved receiving their flowers!
Social-distancing or not, this is the perfect way to spend a Sunday afternoon meeting your neighbors!