I’m Cali. Wife of Ryan. Mama of 2 boys. Since COVID hit, we have socially distanced with the best of them. Former 4K and 2nd grade teacher. Giving the SAHM life a try this year, and keeping these boys home with us. Starting Our Callahome to document this journey, and hopefully help you along the way.

Our Callahome
I went from our family eating out practically every meal, being on the go constantly, and struggling to keep clothes washed to trying to have IT ALL TOGETHER. Good luck, right? Well, join in on the journey, and hopefully I can share a few helpful hints along the way.
Socially-distanced fun is the name of the game these days. As a former TEACHER (planning to go back after this whole mess), I at least have a few ideas of things to do with the kids. Currently trying to teach our oldest his ABCs and 123s, while trying to teach our youngest to sit up on his own (or whatever new trick the month brings).
Since March, I’ve decided I hate stuff, and want to be a minimalist. Unfortunately, I’m unable to really go all the way down that road, but I am able to pare down a bit, and make our home a little more livable (ahh, peace). We just moved into our current house in August 2019 (a few months pregnant, and changing jobs), so a lot is still left to be done.
All recipes come from my Mama, Google, and some cookbooks. My mom is the best cook. THE BEST. Lots of biscuits and casseroles (a whole lot of SOUTHERN), with some homemade ice cream thrown in. Also, I’m a self-taught cake decorator. Simple stuff that you can do. Taking a break from it right now, so I am happy to share my little ounce of knowledge with you.
I was always convinced by my crafty friends around me that I was not especially artistic. My handwriting is subpar. I draw stick people. Things like that. BUT, between having a DIY wedding, teaching preschool, decorating our house, and having kids, I’ve found that I’m more crafty than I have given myself credit for in the past. I’m going to bet that you’re also a lot better than you think.